should be added to the list. and i definitely agree with the description thing, because i know if i spend hours on a creation that i would want...
if there was a way to make safe havens give you points, i would definitely love this idea. you could probly do it with KOTH, making it slow elites...
thats just really weird. never heard of that happening. might just be the fact that it is metal, but im pretty sure ive driven warthogs well on...
there are MLG gametypes out now. ill do a quick search and find you a thread. the fileshare...
what object are you using/is it on an angle/ does it always make this noise or just when accelerating. just try to give us a bit more info, so we...
you might have to set it up as KOTH, they really screwed up the gametype options in this game. so if you did it the same way that race did in H3,...
maybe if they redid the pieces to use less polygons and were simpler, added more movable objects and added civvy vehics. but for now, there are a...
winner winner winner winner winner. not gonna lie, Tucci, i love you right now. i dont play arena, so i dont know what the soft kill zone is...
If you want to send me an invite, anytime im on i will accept. sometimes my dad or brother is on though, so if i dont join dont think its me....
its okay if it costs more budget, i just want the option to use it. i dont care if it takes 100 dollars, it would be nice to be able to use it if...
its broken as of now. bungie needs to have an update. or at least, thats how i understand it. and i think the fair and random has an effect on...
I will playtest anytime. seems interesting, and i would like a new game to play with my friends.
i like the looks of this, definitely down for testing.
that would be great. ill add the new clips to the list later today, glad to see a couple different authors.
i think this just about sums up what i wanna say.
you would want to post a preview in halo reach: forge discussion. this is the wrong place. but you can add me if you want, ill play. EDIT- james...
sweet. what map is this? boneyard?
its a great idea. a very simple and effective way of this. can this be done above ground too if you get the right height? i actually have a great...
thats cool, ill make do with low time and whatever quality i can find. bumpity bump said the spammer.
QFT and if you cant find it, thats cool. i guess i can do without this hilariously awesome clip.