place a grid, and than put a killzone that is hardly above the grid so you dont die on a vehicle, but you do on foot.
no, he saved changes on intel and it saved over the deleted map. it does that, the only safe way to save is by saving it as a new map every time.
@ deadbolt - you did everything right in your post. we will be very friendly to people who can put words together into sentences, and post threads...
follow the link in my sig for the magical wonders of embedding pictures. map looks cool, would try it out if i had an xbox.
title is a joke bewtween me and my friends. i did a quick search, and didnt find a general discussion thread. so here we are, lets talk about...
i wouldve downloaded if i had an xbox. looks okay, but click the how to post pics link in my sig to find out how to embed those pictures. than, go...
no, you have to get every helmet and that is the only way. you dont have to be inheritor, and how would it take 2 years to buy every helmet? maybe...
your forgetting the heat seeking and needle explosion. at least, im pretty sure it was heat seeking. it has some sort of aiming advantage, is all...
we dont baby people here, we say what has to be said, and if you get all teary-eyed over what some kid on the internet said than GTFO. as for the...
link for the full thread is in my sig. it says how to post pics. cant wait to see your maps. you come across as a bit arrogant, so lets hope you...
we would want DL links from bnet. also, i dont have an xbox, and i would really like someone to commit to taking lead on editing, ive been messing...
this is more than just forge, but it kind of goes together. this is a copy from the desired custom games settings thread. first of all, a setting...
i have a theory, for making a symmetrical map, you can find where the points width wise are all 0 (can be done with height and length too, but for...
this. it confused the mess out of me at first, but it works when you get the settings right.
you definitely want to go to the testers guild for this. forge discussion is not the place to post this.
this is pretty sweet dood. thanks a lot, i was actually thinking of putting the time into it myself. sticky? i will definitely use it, anyone here...
wow. i was in the process of making a similar concept. same game, slightly different execution. had this idea ever since i heard of the focus...
definitely want to test this. looks amazing. nice kill zone placement too. i like your whole map, great ideas right thurr. the circle is pretty...
listen, go to the customs guild and there is a master list of GTS to invite to customs. join the testers guild, and you can play customs with...
this is more than just custom games suggestions for me. first of all, a setting to create a "zone" in forge. you could than go into a checklist,...