its the work like this that will make your map special. doooo it. you asked for a special way to make ladders, what did you expect? that there was...
you need to post these things in the customs or testers guild. this subforum is not for advertising custom games, or asking people to join you,...
ive organized your post a bit better for you, you can use it if you want. i just thought it would be easier to read this way. feel free to...
agreed. and i feel like treyarch tries to take away the bullshit factors from COD, considering WaW was pretty mellow as a game, and i think they...
it is the view you see at the very beginning of the game when choosing your loadout.
undo isnt doable, not even the bungie devs have an undo tool. takes a lot of work in something this complex.
i actually laughed when i saw this. good find.
i think that the second part was understood, but you just misunderstood him. and i see an MLG playlist happening, but not in arena.
i think you can also place it far enough under where vehicles arent affected by it. not sure how useful that is, but its worth saying.
he doesnt mind if people copy it, so go ahead and use the exact scoring system if you want.
these have all already been found. thats how all the people got their weapon sigs. but im not sure if we had an FH thread with all of them in it...
wow, i didnt know that. good vid demo too. thats a pretty high mancannon.
to the spreadsheet, you could add a symmetrical map calculator where you put the rotation and position of a piece, and the axis you want it to be...
yeah, i forgot to do that. thanks for reminding me. any suggestions of what to add?
the canyon is WAAAAAY bigger than valhalla, and way hillier. but this is pretty good considering the conditions.
i just wanted to have a go-to place for most forge tutorials, guides, etc. if you have anything to add, let me know. one shield door jumping...
uggh. this is another annoying "hey, be my friend!" thread. there is a customs guild for a reason. and how did you ever think that forge...
do a soft kill barrier. and is there a way to hop out of your revenant, and than somehow launch it in the goal without anyone in it? because...
so i will record the best HLG spots in this thread. just want to see where to hide! me and my friend jetpacked up to some pipes in sword base,...
there is a link in my sig on how to embed screenshots, which is what you want to do for all of your future screenshot posts, instead of links to...