Yeah, it's kind of boring. IMO there are lots of more fun games out there. Like Halo. lol.
I concur with lone. I think I see what you were doing, but it doesn't work out very well sry.
Lol, the sign at McDonald's is literally McDonalds as close as you can get it. But seriously man, where my sexy Jewish babes? Israeli supermodels...
Y thank you gud sir. Jelleh shallt not let u down.
Dude wtf that's my sister. lol. So anyway stalk and kidnap her if you will.
Uh hellz ya. That was actually an English project lol. When I said srs I meant srs production, not srs content. lol
Jelleh r everywhere person jelleh even made ur sig lol. btw plz subscribe if you like it i make srs videos 2 =P
Ya that was me recording it. lol
Don't worry man. Frag man is not very well respected here, just... well known. He's decent at gfx, but I believe the moderators don't care for him...
hey man plz watch kthx
hey man plz watch thx
hey man plz watch thx
hey man plz watch vid kthx
Hey man plz watch my vid kthx
yo whats a fail, watch my vid plz kthx
Please watch my vid so I don't cus u out for not updating competition and making we winrar....
I join group. Oi. So you watch my vid now. Is funny. KTHXBYE...
YouTube - Mexican Birthday This... was my aunt's birthday. Although, the version of "Happy Birthday" that the restaurant employees sing is a bit...