Coauthor is coauthoring. In related news. Pittsburgh is good for Pitt Salads not wings. Duh. Good wings are from Harrisburg. Get your burgs...
They are obviously saying that she printed libel, but if there was mold in her apartment it seems like a very fair thing to say. Either way, this...
lol Anyway, I don't want this woman to be in prison for the rest of her life, but she obviously needs some intense psychological therapy. Yes...
K, make sure to say that Central, PA wings are the ****. We might actually get some tourism for once. Hell, I'll start up a ****in Limo company.
I concur, may I coauthor it? Oh and if you think Hooter's wings are good, you need to eat some better wings man. /boobs
I misses you. Talk to me brah.
The best hot wings that I know of are in the Harrisburg, PA area. Whenever I go out of town, not only do I find wings more scarce, but they just...
New York is fail. Go to Pittsburgh for a Pitt Salad. [IMG]
These seem kind of repetitive and lame. Sorry lol. Also bad stock.
Xbox360. Better selection. PS3 has insane number of people playing in one game, but it doesn't matter if the game sucks. lol.
Ur slowpoke lacks in the cross-platform department.
Ya my sister's gonna be there, she had hers in June. I would appreciate if you didn't "sex her up" though. Like, I don't really care, but she...
Disappointed person is disappointed.
Nevermind my last post. Come down to Central PA on Saturday. I'm going to a Bat Mitzvah. If you like adolescent Jewish girls and their black...
Duuude. "The Birds" is the ****. Watch movie now. I might be going to The All Points West music festival on Sunday in Jersey so if you're around...
Don't expect me to make love with u or anything like that. You're still a newbie. lol
Yuk. Sorry, but there are lotsa things wrong with this... and I can't say all that much that is nice. =P 1. Don't do the split sig thing unless...
For once I agree with Donii. Try to be a little less... explosive with your CnC R0FLninja. 1. The sig isn't a square? It is just taller than what...
Watch out for Americans. I hear they are fat.
Congratulations. You win.