It's all good brah.
Sky wizard? More like a space deity.
Definitely gonna be cereal box gift type night vision goggles.
Next time I shall.
Here's some of meh ****: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
rofl Nice pieces HRAMX Did you make those pieces pretty much from scratch?
This thread seems more appropriate for the General Discussion or the Offtopic forums seeing as this is more a matter of opinion and not a serious...
When you say that you "got" the program do you mean that you were able to procure it in a fashion that is not the typical method of acquiring the...
MexicAN FAIL YouTube - Mexican Birthday
Sir, you win life. Care to compare computer specs?
Ya u can still see it, just try some smudging or some clone stampage.
I shall donate if you put me #1 on your list. It's cuz I'm #1. Although most of my sigs lack text, but perhaps that is just my style.
I have the one that gets really hot, runs 100x more loudly than my computer, and has like no memory. And it's white.
loshon be correct major flow disruptor. eraseify that goddam sign
Uhh keep in mind this is America. At least here. In any country with some form of capitalism people will try to make money. It puts food on...
ya nice sig
uhhh go to the BB Code index i'll link you Forge Hub - BB Code List go down to mouseover image
hey man where'd you get this wallpaper for your MBP? it's ****in...
<3 [IMG]
Horribly true. IMO those girls were being dumb. They actually entered North Korea by accident and they expect to be OK? lol but its good he...