The Railgun? Really? Huh... I see that as less like the Launcher but that's just me..
That glitch where it saves as another map and thus deletes happened to it :C 85+% completed at the time too... I didn't have Gold at the time so I...
I like Halo 4's Forge more as it is easier to use (I'm a noob) but I do see the complaints people have as being very reasonable. Forge 3.0 should...
I don't get why you wouldn't just remake the bases as well...the bases in this map feel so cramped...
I never really liked this level for some reason... but a good remake is a good remake. I like the auto turret ideas a LOT more than a simple soft...
How is stretching it? If you remade Powerhouse from Reach or whatever map that had the Launcher in Reach...what weapon would you choose to replace...
More than anything, that gametype just sounds epic! So do you make a base belong to one team (and thus not be able to capture it)? I...
So I was wondering what most of you use for weapons that don't return in Halo 4 (for remakes and stuff) using the new set of weapons. So for...
1. Ohhhhh! I didn't see they were autonomous! Nevermind, that's wicked cool! Okay, so it's like a set piece (akin to the vehicles beyond the fence...
It looks pretty good. I have a couple questions however... 1. In the second picture we see a mongoose and behind it we see a bridge with a...
What's your gamertag? I wanna DL and do a forgethrough to see what I think!
Hey...this looks like a fantastic recreation! Downloading for sure. Question about the swinging doors... couldn't one replace the swinging...
I feel ya man. I was working on a High Ground remake and was almost done and spent forever on it and then it was gone. I'm told it happened in...
Oh no! The aesthetics are fine! Like I'm fine with sacrificing the Scarab for the sake of having the gameplay closer to the original and things...
Aw man....Poor form 343 (x I guess if you lowered damage resistance...but then you'd have to also lower damage done by the player to offset the...
Does the light kill the "Grif"? If not that's super defeats the purpose of why the game was made.... If it does kill the planter then...
This looks like a really faithful remake but was this built on Erosion? I feel like Ravine would be better because of the sunlight and more...
Whoa! Nice remake! This looks to be one of the best so far. I'm curious...with the window coliseum pieces, no one seems to make the "fence" with...
Yep! I was working on a High Ground remake since I got the game and knew I didn't have Live (so no multiplayer) and was waiting on my brother to...
Ah I see...oh my god Grifball! I totally forgot it was in there 'cause I've gotten to play exactly ZERO custom games yet haha Anyway, that sucks...