Well regardless of what he did, my point still stands though I do think he always mentioned who it was by. Either way, as a general rule: if...
Wait...did he give the original creator credit in the OP or no? If he did, then he's respecting them by 1. REMAKING their map and 2. Not only...
Hm...strange. Hopefully that issue is fixed by the time Halo 5 rolls around haha
Thank you two! I'm a newbie at Forge so yeah. Thanks both of you! :)
So this is specifically for two of my maps but just a couple general questions: If I place neutral respawn points...will those be used as initial...
I don't think you can make them explode in Halo 4.....could be wrong but I think it's one of the features they took out...
This is great and I understand a lot of the criticisms but I'm pretty sure they'll fix what they did wrong with Halo 4. Reach/Forge World was...
Seriously! People would have loved it that much more if the game was the same but simply said: Bungie. That said: the decision to leave out the...
Yes I do, I typed it wrong because the point was just to get the point across and I didn't go "wait...343 didnt make the maps" but yeah.
GTF rocks haha Anyway...Captain: the idea is great. I'm not sure what VALUABLE input I can give you other than to just make things feel natural...
This and also Felix -- I don't actually know a single person on here. None are on my friends list, idk anyone in real life either. Don't be so...
I might DL and take a crack at it though I'm far from even proficient at Forge. I'll try and see if I can tweak it to be more like Blood...
Oooh yes! Invasion was pretty legit. I think they should bring back Elites as well...Spartan RvB Invasion, Spartan v Elite Invasion and Elite v...
LOL k bro. He even said the pure intent was to make a mash up map. I'd like to see YOUR original maps and judge how "GOOD" they are myself.......
IT really sucks that dynamic lighting can get "broken" just by using the budget we're GIVEN but this is definitely a solid remake...my only...
Oh no, I'm not dashing away Halo 4, in fact, before now -- I haven't really been able to forge much -- I wasn't all that good in H3 and in Reach I...
I haven't seen a place to post this so I hope it's in the right area but anyway...here are my wants/requests/ideas for Halo 5's Forge Mode......
THANK YOU! I loveloveloved! Longshore and it was one of my favorite H3 maps (I was sad it came into play so late) but knew I couldn't possibly...
Thanks man! Yeah, I love SW and Halo so naturally... haha I would really love the Hero system implemented and I realized that I guess I could...
Okay...I highly doubt I'm the only one but ever since the first Halo, I've made STAR WARS gametypes in the games. The first game's options...