Elder Scrolls for board status '12
I'm not even sure what you're trying to tell me.
It's like everyone from my high school decided to watch fight club for the first time last week, and feels the need to quote it on facebook.
Everyone I went to high school with just watched fight club for the first time. And now they're quoting over facebook. its getting really annoying.
Do it. what are you going to do with it?
half day bump
The only word I can think of for you right now is 'asshole'
Just saw tower heist. It was alright.
M16 and my girlfriend. good ****.
i got mw3 for 47.99. i feel like if i had to buy it for full price i wouldn't have.
I'm late to the party but I ****ing love jak and daxter.
sounds like a shitty deal.
i didnt bother reading the fraction
no, a year is longer than 265 days, that's why there's leap years.
lol, deadmau5 is on /mu/
I'm pissed about my scheduling for classes. I haven't even scheduled yet and a lot of the classes I wanted to take are already full.
it's just different.
[IMG] the background rotates between various calvin and hobbes pictures.
Well I wouldn't go that far.