I have a mac as well and got Thomas Was Alone (cool indie game for <3USD) and The Walking Dead (Great story driven point and click adventure from...
Thanks, all fixed. We've decided to only put the winners thread in the announcements area to help keep that section cleaner.
luv you too, bbe
You know me. I want to, but I'm not a sure thing. So much to do!
The post goes up before the poll is finished. It's all set up now. :)
[IMG] July 2013 Nominations Forge Hub Favorites is in full swing with a lineup of your six most loved maps during the nomination period in...
I don't really play matchmaking anyway. I guess now I have one more reason why that is.
Personally, I love the Halo Wars feel i get from what I've seen (which is very little, i must admit). However, I own no platform it comes out on,...
[IMG] Jumping In There have recently been two new developments over at halowaypoint.com, that place that 343 Industries likes to hang...
I know how you feel, Schitz. About 24 more hours until the nominations go down and voting starts. If anyone else wants to nominate Interchange,...
This map played will during TCOJ, I still haven't got a grasp of it though. What i am sure of is that the map encourages great teamwork and flows...
I laughed at the Xiphos pics. Thanks for not showing it too much though, as I've revised it to somewhat a severe extent even since the version you...
Its so pretty! I really need to join some BIOC games so I can play this.
I will attempt to join up again. I will not attempt to make a 4v4 map.
I might be able to join up. Not sure, but I can certainly try.
I'll see what I can do tonight. Until then, finish Xephon or whatever that 1v1 is called :p Or do something completely different, like erupt...
So the soonest I can be on shall be tonight, about the same time as last night. I'd love to hop on sooner, but I'm needed elsewhere. :(
I've found it easy to name them with beta version titles. ie: Xiphos (the origional), Xiphos 0.1, Xiphos 0.2, Xiphos 0.2.1, up to the latest...
I have about 30 versions of my current WIP now. Everything is as it should be, and I can always go back to an old version if my changes prove poor.
College/Uni was an easy transition for me, but I know lots of people have problems adjusting. Just remember to both balance your work and to...