You mean along one generation? For humans, we would call that very harmful if not lethal to someone. If they do survive with it in the womb, they...
Are you saying it's the people's fault that they built their houses out of poor materials and didn't prepare for an earthquake? You do realize...
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." -Mahatma Gandhi
Heh, well you can't just remove costs of the opposing argument simply because they do not fit your hypothesis. You can suggest as much reform as...
The only objective reason is life imprisonment is fiscally cheaper. You believe that life imprisonment kills the person inside, whereas the...
So are you saying forget all green technology and drill until we hit rock bottom, then invest in green technology?
I've never been to the UK before (correct me if I'm wrong), but doesn't the English government put a greater emphasis on the government's role on...
Could be another who survived Pegasi other than Tom and Lucy. Besides, T & L were on Onyx during Reach.
I didn't know Christianity served as the general consensus on all matters of religion. Religion does not say that creation is true. Christianity...
I just can't understand how someone can be so crass and yet so wrong at the same time. Don't blame people for not understanding your arguments,...
A short term loss for a long term gain, eh?
You do realize the irony in that analogy, right? (think instead of christians and agnostics, pagans and christians) ;)
Ugh, I hate that logic. If what you said was true and that is what Fox means when they say that phrase, then it seems Fox is doing the "right"...
You didn't factor in court cases now, Scope. You'd be surprised how expensive capital court cases actually are. Here So I guess it is more...
I do like your argument in the paragraphs I did not quote (not saying that is my view), so I'll just address the last paragraph: How does the...
K. I would say that not living with hundreds of convicted criminals would be better, though. you would think a system that tries to reform...
You're going to have to restate that. Is 3 hots and a cot 3 meals and a bed? And is 1 cold and a bridge 1 meal under a bridge? I don't think I...
I could be misinterpreting, but I think that is exactly what Makisupa was talking about. The message you try to convey with that statement is...
I think at that point it becomes an issue of short or long term satisfactions. Whether we use that planet for its resources and kill the sentient...
@Phenomenal I agree, AP classes actually teach you how to think and help you use your particular skills to an advantage. The problem is, not...