Gephyrophobia remake. I Lol'd so ****ing hard.
I. Love. Your. Avatar.
So I'm a beginner at the guitar, I've been using my Acoustic everyday probably for the past few months just sort of dabbling, reading some tabs...
Like, omg. You're alive!
OMG ITS LANCE!1!1!1one!!! Welcome back dude. I agree though, I think we can break it. I don't think it'll be a problem if we can't though. I...
I luv grif <3
I think that that they changing user bars as suggested would be a very nice addition. When they get to 7 Features they get the final architect...
Haha, I love the fact that you made a Conquest map using a map's actual geometry. Very nice to see when all of these other Conquest maps are...
I like the right one more. I don't really like the bright colors at all on the left one. The only problem with the right one is that on the...
Definatly playing this next time I play some beer pong.
It's sexy isn't it?
Restart PC? Idk, PM Fbu here and leave a post in the Beta topic. I'll skype him. I got to go to bed though, night.
Make sure you don't have to windows up and running. Ctrl+Alt+Delete>Processes>FH RPG -- End Process
Waldo+Whisper UNITE!
Two level 20's now. =D
Level 15 =)
Alright guys well Lights didn't lock the other topic for no reason. Let's not start debating whether the map is worthy or not. Stick to the OP's...
When exactly is the playlist going live? I thought it was suppose to go up mid-January.
I love you, come back.