I'm lost in this new aged jungle!
I'll play, GT is Wakko45 and i just messaged Bias Logic.
Oh my gosh shock theta is a dandy brit who likes sock monkeys!!!
I could have, if anyone had been online..lol
Thanks. And btw, who ever 'Something' is I'm going to kill him for wasting 2 and half hours of my time with the maze inside of his house that...
What's the keyboard shortcut to cast a spell?
Wakko44!! I love you!!
Sorry for being like a month late on the response, I don't come on that much anymore...like ever haha. But yeah it still has the teleporters.
Faction* btw.. And I can't even win when the poll's posted on my birthday :cry:. Jussstt kidding.
Amoeba, it's like this; I see a person about to be hit with a car. If I have the power to stop it by myself I should do something and not just...
Lol this is going to sound weird but I was looking at your sig and I have W45 as my service tag too and I used to have that same exact emblem lol.
I'm getting them but I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to be playing through Halo Wars and doing some skirmish before I fool around with the maps.
Alright, then you'd have to make the rest of your map a box high which takes a lot more effort than geomerging that one piece.
Uh..geomerging isn't all about looks. Say you want to have a cover; you could geomerge something halfway down so only part of it comes up. Thats...
I personally get inspiration from the default maps or parts of maps I play from other games. Or I could just be like, wow this is a great view...
Ah..yes. I seem to remember that now actually. Thanks.
You can always use the boxes and blocks, etc. as floors instead of walls.
I. Hate. You. Then.
Youuuuuuu should post that puzzle map you made like a year ago. [/random thoughts, may've been sarcastic, maybe not.]