I'm so glad someone remade this. It looks great from the pictures, I'll definitely download once 343 fixes their fileshare
I think it looks amazing. I personally love the ramp like front you put on the sniper spawn. While its different from the original, I think its...
All gametypes can be learned here under the gametypes tab, including 1-Flag...
Damn, I probably would have been up if I didn't have a final at 8 this morning. Oh well, next time.
Wakko45 , same as everything else of mine
The car chase was my fave! (That's a little farther back than just this year)
It makes me sad when people make better maps than me in only 2 and a half hours
Sounds like you need to invite us to the cool kid parties =)
Gephyrophobia would be awesome. Even if you had to scale it down a little bit to make it look a little better. That map was so fun.
What is this bleed through I keep hearing everyone mention?
And I'm not going to let this slide. You clearly don't understand the concept of constructive criticism. You need to chill the **** out....
So long Halo:CE, you have given me many good memories back in the day. So long
Send me an invite
Maybe they were just fixing glitches? Not some conspiracy to try to get more money?
I played on this last night, it was great. All the gametypes worked well with it. Felt just like Damnation from CE. Great job silence
It could be locked and then phased just enough into the ground so you can't pick it up. Try moving the piece underneath it or if its landscape you...
Can he also mod a gametype so you can drop a flag? Because that would be great
I just got one too from LIVE however never posted in that thread. Looks like they finally realized they messed up and gave it to everyone?
I usually get inspiration for something cool either from something I see or something that pops up in my head. That inspiration usually is only...