Bro.... Left4Dead2 ****, with ****. You, me, and that sexy Flamingo guy need to play some L4D2.
If anyone asks, you love me the most. K? K. This is why we work so well together <3
Welcome home, and I'm not talking about forgehub, lol. Clark loves me the most, so you ladies can stop fighting over him. <33333333
Yes, I do. What about you? I don't think I've seen you on halo at all. We must have a threesome with Clarkingo. Haha. I miss youuuuu.
I have to agree with everyone else when they say this map look good. There are a few bothersome aspects that might hinder the map's gameplay, but...
I can't quite tell for sure what the layout is from the pics, but I have a feeling there are are some pretty solid LoS on this map. Definitely...
Ah, well are you doing well in your classes even though you have a lot of work? And I've been working, mostly. Oh, and a **** load of playing...
Whatchu been up to lately man?
It's never too late. Gtfin.
When can you get on?
8x2 is 16... Go home, waterfall. You're drunk.
Because people are stupid.
Yo. fllr
I got a pack of cigarettes.
It's cool, man. You're busy with your life; I understand.
This isn't the auditions for the world's best youtube commentator. Give feedback on the map alone, please. OT: I cannot comment about much on the...
I got the vibe of all the maps you mentioned in this map before I even read anything. Lots of height variation, what seems to be good structure,...
Looks great, Timmy. No FRL this time, eh? Haha. I would, however, like to see you make a competitive map that isn't a remake. You know that,...
Clark made it for me, haha. It was Amon, from The Legend of Korra, but he and his partner in crime, Kuroda, ****ed it up. God, I love them.