Use that Barrel-roll! I knew you could go air-born with evade and a low-gravity, but to make it a game-type? Pretty cool.
I haven't checked, but is there an option in the gametype so that you can make the havens spawn in order or in random order?
This is apparently a Monument to all of everyone's complaints. Even then, MW2 failed that much harder.
But it's 11 seconds...
HTML Fail. Nah, regular users can't use HTML, gotta use BB code. EDIT: Alright, got the pics up. I like the Kill-ball chandelier in the...
I'm glad that they're replacing the Scorpions on Hemorrage with Wraiths. That way it's easier to get out of the spawn-lock.
+1 if you clicked this for a Relic remake. It still has the swampy feel to the map from the pictures, but instead of calling it Swamp, you could...
Hmm, you might want to clean up your post some. Get some pics embedded and some description of what it's about. That way people will download your...
I haven't played Crash Site, what is it?
Alright, Safe Boundaries are "the safe" area of your map. If you're outside of a Safe Zone, you die. With Kill Boundaries, if you're inside them,...
Dang, this looked interesting. The only thing you can do is change "It's a trap" in the picture to my avvy.
Nah, you want to embed the image links, just use the tags.[img] INB4PIXPLZ EDIT: Alright, looks good, but I can't really get an image in my head...
Looks like it has a Lockout/Blackout feel to it, how well does that work out?
1.Watch the Movie "300" 2. Use one of Forge World's many cliffs to make a similar landscape to the battle scene. 3. After completion of the map,...
Me and some buddies got together to beat Heroic for the weekly challenge, and we were pretty much stuck on this part of the mission. Then, I...
*Runs off to make "GET TO DA FALCON!" Invasion map*
The Hologram. Nothing is more gut-busting than laughing at 3 people shooting a hologram, then obliterating them while they're distracted....
Back in Halo 3 in the 8v8 playlists, the occasional, once prevalent "Covie" variants of maps came up in the selection. However, it didn't give a...
Yea, I've only been getting 50 per forge.
So the Concussion Rifle does have an arc... Does it have an infinite range?