Was doing it on co-op earlier and I noticed something. There are a lot of areas, like elevators and grav lifts, that will randomly kill whoever...
I haven't really seen how it works yet, but I've set up a bit of a Predator gametype using Regicide. Mostly because I really wanted the Predator...
Halo 2 was and always will be the hardest Legendary for me, and Halo 3 is still the easiest. I would place Halo 4 on par with Reach. Grunts and...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from a quick glance, I thought Regicide was VIP... anyone want to fill me in here?
In that event, I imagine he was trying Slayer Pro. According to the screenshot, he is using a block piece.
It looks to be a lot wider, which I suppose you can't really avoid, and might actually make it play better anyway. Other than that, consider me...
No, Flood works off the same mechanics as Infection did. If you check the scoring, you'll notice everyone has their own individual points, with no...
The way it was explained on THFE is that they only shot everyone else in Infection, because infection is technically a free-for-all game.
Hey all. So, as I'm sure most of us are aware by now, we can use the auto-turrets for any gametype. This has me really excited, and I find...
Admittedly, I totally thought that was the canyon in the first picture and was going to flip. Then I realized is was just a trick of where it...
Question: If you already have multiple videos done, why not post them all in the same topic in order to make them easier to watch in succession,...
Lies. The map is obvious slow-paced and symbolic; leading to all whom play it to think long and hard about why most who play Halo feel the need...
Between the size, shape, and limit of forge objects? I'm 100% certain it would be impossibly. An invasion map where Spartans have to fight their...
Dat Foundation.... I think I'm in love....
Ugh, I remember that.... HOURS on Blood Gultch in Halo CE, entire teams of eight people stuck at a 0-0 stalemate, and the game maker decided to...
Red team's map had some interesting ideas, but I don't think they really got tied together as well as they could have. The light bridge felt out...
Seems interesting, and I'm getting a big of a snowbound vide, if it was mixed with a more urban map. However, there are some spaces that seem to...
Alternatively, you could get as close as possible and pound on the delete button. This will delete the wraith you are looking at, allowing you to...
That isn't what he means. He means let the players move the crates and such like back in Halo 2, when you were bored. Honestly? I don't see it...