RE5 is a great game, but if you're looking for a game with friends, get L4D. It's an extremely fun game, and not that driven towards the storyline...
I like it, but I have a feeling this was a cropc4dtext job. Can I see the stock?
I was going to work on the texture and definition of that rock on the left, that's the problem. And @ Sam, I wanted to do a tag without any...
I tried adding text but it would always just ruin the flow.
Now that is badass.
yes, it's small [IMG] thoughts?
Oh. I get it.
That wooden one outside of the brush stroke.
It seems a little boring. Things that would help greatly would be changing the text, and scooting the render over to the left, maybe even center it.
I can help, though I'm not sure how much I would, seeing I have limited time on a computer with GIMP or PS(I use both depending on where I am)...
Past arguements aside, your current sig is one of the cooler "unique concept" sits I've seen. What's the box, though?
It's cool, I like the effects you used coming off his arm. Didn't you just get CS4 though
I like it, it's def. one of your better ones. Text should wb black, though, in my opinion.