honestly, i prefer the old singer on poor carmine. not to say the new one doesn't have skill, he certainly does.
the criticism is meant for the piece, not the maker.
Cory Gardner, thought-provoking literature A short story I wrote for my english class, enjoy, and tell me what you think. [spoiler] Sorry...
5* signature!
what was made by lockdown? and well the final version of this isn't even gonna be used as a logo, i'm placing it at the top of a website, which...
ha thanks and oh well, good thing i wasn't shootin for originality;)
I'm sure everybody missed me so much, i really don't know why i made this, but tell me whatcha think (i'm AWARE it's cut off on the edges, i...
Pshow, I have a WTP ovoid frame, though i'm not using it
Hello, I have briefly returned for a possible tidbit of you guyses knowledge. Is there a free knock off-ish version of Adobe Indesign, perhaps...
Well the ratio of bad to good bands out there is sad and fortunately, you're on the good side.
Many of my friends don't see why y'all aren't famous.
I'm not sure what to say about it, I really like it. SOTW?
i added color.. hence the title color.. hence the old picture being B&W wow
new [IMG] old [IMG] how'd i do?
v2 added [IMG]
That's my style. And that picture is from when I was 18, I just use it on the Internet, I'm 22 now. You'll be better off with someone who'll do...
Your a garage band with no experience... I'm a junior art director that's actually done this before. The title has to relate the cover, so that's...
That takes the flare and feeling from the tag.
^ way ahead of you @requiem, I love biking, and plus I got a case of bracelets sun they first came out because apparently my dad was on Lance's...
Yeah, I've snapped 3 so far. There are some fixable flaws that I'll fix. Do you bike or just support the cause?