quick question, why do you use filezilla when dreamweaver has a built in ftp client?
and if you had my permission...haha, thanks i guess?
haha i'm gonna do a more well done and HQ version of this, when i have more time. this is like 20 pictures of arnold chopped up and put together...
and ugliest thing ever, dear lord, good thing i wasn't going for quality. i don't even know why i put a CnC tag [IMG] but seriously, is there...
oops, i've definitely been gone to long, just posted this in the video forum... YouTube- The Tallest Man On Earth - Where Do My Bluebird Fly (Live...
Beautiful fingerpicked song by The Tallest Man On Earth YouTube- The Tallest Man On Earth - Where Do My Bluebird Fly (Live on KEXP)
oh that's poo, they should code it to where i see what y'all see, because it's not there on my end. balls...
i could see avatar win, because of it's enormous success at the box office, as well as it's simple just "badass-ness", but i'd like to see...
suddenly a loud crack from a gun rang through the air, and everyone stood still, quiet. "m-m-mister...?" said johnny in a voice that made him...
aha! i just deleted my last comment and replaced it. problem solved.
and as promised... [IMG]
hey dude, thanks. this was apparently a big hit among the english teachers at my school haha, i'm gonna start doing some more pieces like this as well
is it "legal" for me to double post on my own G&A thread in order to update it?
hey dude remember when we used to argue and get pissed off because you would always talk about not having PS? well you win haha, now i know how...
i'll do a more hq version tomorrow, i'm tired
added a v2, that jagged white border REFUSES to come off the outer edges of the spartan
[IMG] something about this looked incorrect to me, tell me what i'm missing (i already noticed the ugly glowing edges, i'm already planning on...
i liked them both, definitely thought mr. jackson was more fun to read. coincidence, i posted a short story here as well, "Corey Gardner," i...
5 stars
nice sig