Ha, true gamer, that's cool...or not, I agree with Shanon, and I don't even normally play my xbox at all on the weekdays
Alright dude, understood. I'm really liking this story
oh my! we must play together sometime
eh, haven't talked to him much since i came back to fh, but before i wasn't too fond of him
"We're gettin outta here, guys, hang on!" Henderson shouted. "Maybe if you can fly a downed, burning helicopter! Look!" Jernigan pointed at the...
"Those weren't harbingers, those were weenies, at least that's what i call 'em, hehe." stated Jernigan. "What's the difference?" asked Jason....
gotcha, i don't even know why i asked that question, i use both as well...brainfart.
The four men walked down the barren street, Colonel Henderson leading the way with his custom painted orange and black semi-auto marksman rifle...
introduction posted!
NEW ONE!!!: The day they came, Cory and Jason were at work, cleaning up the cafe near closing time, The TV was tuned to CNN, babbling about some...
so you want me to start something just completely new?
rough concept of what i imagine tritton II to look like, except with more guns and jet engines and garbage. haha VERY rough [IMG]
plus, we could have the building thread locked, and post an additional thread titled "FH Cumulative Story: Final Edition"
quite epic conclusion added.
hey transaction, i'm gonna go off SRC's part, i had something epic in mind. you or anyone, really, can maybe take yours and write it out to a...
haha yeah dude, and whenever one ends it should all be pasted together as a full story
updated this story again. dang, this is fun
"A thank you would have sufficed. If my assumption that y'all needed assistance was incorrect, your corporal should've said something, and I would...
Little was known about the even smaller sister town of Glace, just 40 miles northwest. There was an anti-government project group that had risen...
all i see is that you might wanna work on the perspective of the gas mask, it looks like his face is facing a little to the right and the gas mask...