hey hey cool cat: [IMG] if you decide to use it, include my name, seeing that i'm not an official shop
blend the underline and the text together, i think
yeah i don't really know, i think they have a specific time when they restock, rather than restocking when they run out, and they run out fast....
in my opinion, square just looks better. otherwise, i'd make the str8 rippin logo larger and change the text color to a purple. i'd also bevel the...
well not like really stand out, but you need to either add some color to her or completely smudge her off the picture, because otherwise, having...
i honestly forgot if i've posted this here before, i'm not sure, but CnC away [IMG]
the wind stagger is to obvious in my opinion, and you need to work on blending text also, the little sister needs to stand out from the background
you wanna continue the story? we can't let it die
2nd one is better. black lines have to go, they're really weird. erase some of the c4d around the sword, it looks like it's time traveling on fire...
yeah, i'm gonna be needing to budget around a carry case, a light vest, and a leg holster for handguns. i already have a mask that works well
i found a hyperion liquid penetrator sniper rifle in a dev box, around 500 damage, like 4.5 fire rate, 5 round burst. so sweet, didn't even know...
hah yeah, tho the SAW is a little too heavy for me. but great innovation, the interchangeable mag
stun makes your gun spin all around and really throws you for a loop. flash just blinds you and makes you walk all loopy
odamn. to automatic embed, you just put the link alone
i think tea bagging is funny as hell. humping a dead animated body doesn't count as disrespect. it counts as virtual necrophilism.
the G4 series on airsoft GI is great, uh SCARs are also great guns, but the best thing i can recommend comes at 450, the ares tavor. i think it...
1. i'd go back in time and meet kurt vonnegut 2. i'd do whatever i wanted. be happy?
in no particular order august burns red rise against avenged sevenfold thrice modest mouse
i think your focal is too low, it should take up more of the frame in my opinion
uh depends on a lot of things, i personally use variable zoom on assault rifles but it mainly depends on what you're gonna be doing with it. i'd...