Are you sure its impossible? I'm sure I get a lot more flags than I'm actually credited for in matchmaking. And can someone please remind me...
Actually, searching for "Colossus" with the prefix "remake" on Forge Hub also brings up those maps.
Yeah, it would be awesome if there was a way to combine Sandbox and Foundry in to one big Forge map, a map which gave us lots of areas to work...
You found nothing? You searched for Colossus and found nothing? Goliath and Titan are good, Titan is my favourite.
Ah, OK. I'm going to have to take back what I said. I remember reading the Incompetent Cartographer and it stuck in my mind that you could set...
Chips don't ring any H2G2 bells for me, mind jogging my memory (unless you mean the number 42, but then thats not really a reference, thats just...
While we're linking stuff maybe you'd like to have a read of the latest news post on Bnet. Its got some information about how The Cage was...
I'm only Lt Colonel Grade 2 but I got all my credits legitimately. Most people I see who have really high ranks have a few Onyx commendations in...
I wish people would stop saying things like that. OK, you read that, or you heard that and you assumed it must be right because other people are...
Actually that roof has 4 access points without jet packs. There are the 2 grav lifts inside as well as the large rock formations on each side...
Yeah, name needs work. I do that later. I made this map surprisingly quickly. It seems much easier to Forge maps on the exisitng ground than...
Yeh, as above. We had the same problem in Halo 3. In Foundry you could make a coloured box by merging it with part of the ceiling. Totally...
They involve a lot of thought to put in to how you want your map to play out during a game. I guess the closest thing we've had before were the...
Definitely. I spent hours taking my map apart trying to find what was causing the lag, its not a big map and there aren't any complex structures...
Ah, I see. Its not really something usable in maps then, unless your map happens to fit the locations of the shadow areas.
Does it stay like that when you start an actual game? If it does then thats really cool. Hang on, does this work in the same way as objects which...
Welcome to Forge Hub. To share your Reach files you will need access to your file share on Only Gold Xbox Live members can upload...
The size difference is only really noticeable when in vehicles. I got in a warthog and though someone had shrunk the map! I think your map could...
Pegasi, thats exactly what I meant. Yes there are bugs and glitches and if there are serious ones which are fixable then Bungie will fix them in...
I haven't actually done this myself but I remember Urk posted in The Incompetent Cartographer posts that he used team specific kill zones to keep...