I don't mean any offence to you, but that is the trap a lot of people fall in to. People assume that they can make easy movies just because Halo...
dizzyman, he said he knew about the turret method, I didn't though so thanks for bringing that up Belly. As it stands, there isn't a method as...
Few people bother to download maps before commenting on them anyway. You'll get people posting comments based on the screenshots and they won't...
I think its ridiculous the amount of people complaining about the Blood Gulch remake after spending years demanding it. The only reason I can...
Thats coz its tru fax. Anyways, go do some research of Bungie employees, you'll find that most of them have varied qualifications which would...
That's like saying Guitar Hero is the first step to becoming a musician.
Hmm, that was odd. I know I was saying I wasn't a huge fan of the Arena but I just got the challenge for winning 5 games in it...
I don't like they're gradually getting rid of the armour abilities. Season 1 had Slayer DMRs (all AAs) then they got rid of the jet pack, then AC...
The problem with that is its only cool for the initial spawn but then nobody really sees it because you're either in a pod or your in the...
Which would make you...? Also, welcome to the Internet.
Of course its a scam.
Should we help you? You were boosting. Boosting is bad. Go earn those credits legitimately. /thread.
I don't get the Arena ranking. I mean, I understand how you get a numbered rank from 0-2000 for each game you play but how do divisions work?...
Go to the Forge Lobby, select your map and the game type you want to set up, start the game and read the pinned topics :)
I'm more than certain that it wasn't the vehicles gravity that was affected. Reread what you just posted, see if you can figure this out. No?...
Are you kidding me? Another thread where we have to explain that you can not share a file if it is not in your file share? Its like trying to...
I remember thinking that our 4v4 games weren't big enough for this map and theres very very little cover any where. The 2 sides rooms of the base...
Yeah, I suppose it is up the creator but unless grif is going to editing all the videos (which from a single 3 minute clip is going to be far from...
I don't think this is really worth a whole new thread: I remember some people were having issues with having an increasing battlefield in...
How can you not know how to use Movie Maker? Windows Live MM is a matter of click, drag and drop and WMM2 (the one on XP) is click and drag in to...