It would seem a little odd that they'd make the trees forgable so you can clear the map but not include a decent forge palette to let you build a...
I think everyone had assumed this anyway, but I think this the first time we've officially been told about the release of the Anniversary map...
I keep looking at High Noon to figure out how much of it is Forgable. Any objects covered with sand and plants (more than just a flat texture) is...
Noone is claiming that that image is a real concept for the next-box. Its clearly made by someone whose got their hands on some 3D modelling...
Halo: Anniversary Hang 'Em High Gameplay - YouTube I'm still wondering about that big shield wall and why there are 2 types of tombstone.
I... can't add much to that. I wouldn't say people are mad. It's not like a sequel, or perhaps the conclusive game of a series, that we've all...
Is there something I've missed with 3D in video games? I just assumed "3D Mode" would require a 3D TV (which require their accompanying 3D...
So if I install either Reach or HCEA to my harddrive I can play on all the multiplayer maps using either disc? So I guess you'll only need a...
Forget trying to stick to Halo canon, mainly because you idea of the Covenant launching bombs to ice the planet is wrong. But sure, go for a...
Halo 2. I probably had more time in Halo 3 but that was because of Forge, attempts to get near impossible achievements and trying to rank up...
Gotta love RRPs! The RRP for a full console game in the UK is £49.99, but I have never seen anyone sell them at that price, they're always sold...
Wouldn't surprise me Its strange how few people know about this, its such a time saver! I'm sure people must have found it before me and yet...
I understood what you said. I meant that the Kinect is associated with crappy casual games because although it is a camera which can "see" people...
ME3's voice commands are a good idea and I'm sure they'll try and make them work well but Endwar did that without the need for a £100 accessory....
The poor grammar in that wallpaper leads me to believe Halo 4's campaign will be based around waking up a cyborg... Should be "Wake up, John"....
Already got it as an All Star :)
If you were testing by yourself then your Internet connection would have nothing to do with the problem, it must be a mistake you've mad. Make...
Or if you don't want to do that you can use the Halo 3 trick; use a circle object shape. Use that plate in the centre, set its shape to circle...
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