In terms of fitting the role better and performance, yeah. Unless it's a ZB or even TU DMR. Those I can understand. But Vanilla DMR was a piece...
The Halo 2 and 3 renditions of the BR beat the DMR. However, I think the DMR looks better in Halo 4. The BR doesn't have much of a faster kill...
Fuse time 5 secs and disarm time 5 or more and you should be fine. Just leave the base for a second. Worst case scenario, up player damage to...
Assault CTF sounds really neat, but I can see flag 'Hail Mary' being too effective. Unless they have a way of limiting that, in which case...
What he said. Halo had its time, and it was glorious. Continuation of the series, milking it for every penny and so on tarnishes the series, and...
Yessir! +1
To be honest, I think the series probably would have been better off done after Halo 3. Of course, M$ wouldn't do that, so instead we're going to...
The pieces given as full structural objects are designed with very specific purposes and only work well in very specific circumstances, with a...
Yeah, this isn't really new at this point... But that doesn't make it any less awesome. The fact that it is getting so many more views than a lot...
Thanks for the clarification! I updated my post to prevent anyone's confusion. That makes me want to use the thing more...
INTJ I consistently get INTJ. Although this time I was far closer to breaking even on Thinking than usual. INTJ master race!
Yessir. It looks pretty cool. The single shot uses up one only shot (thanks for the clarification Gordon!). Before, the burst took up one and the...
That's too bad. You're missing out on a great game, assuming you have an emotional range greater than a snail. I'll give you the benefit of the...
Be rest assured, others feel the same way. Count me in that lot. I'm thinking, assuming they still have 'None' as an option in loadouts......
That's true, the acceleration at 120% speed bothered me a bit in Reach (although it still beat 100% speed+sprint). I really hadn't been paying too...
Mind if I necro bump this? I don't want to make a new topic. I played it for the third time today, before I give the PS3 I'm borrowing back. Oh...
Dat reload perk is a massive difference in reload time. I think I'm gonna run Thruster, Shielding, and Dex on all my kits, assuming I step outside...
@Wood Wonk, It looks like ODST, but as mentioned it's technically called Recruit Armor and there are some big differences, especially in all of...
I like Recruit too. Too bad I'm not dropping money on the LE. I still haven't preordered; I'm debating whether to drop 60 on H4 or 60 in Steam...
Please tell me they'll find a work-around for the flag! On top of my audio cue suggestion, I would add that the text indicating Flag Stolen and...