Mhm. If they can hold their own against the evils that face them.
I'm probably gonna make this one my swan song. Not gonna put up with slowly watching the series die, or getting a 720 just for Halo. Especially if...
I can't really think of a favorite to be honest. I can think of a couple of least favorites... I have two categories in my head: Maps that are...
Those animations for Promethean weapons look sick. I foresee many TRON minigames making full use of the "De-Rez" effect. I'm assuming you can...
@Zepp - Yeah, that was the post I was talking about. Thanks for clearing that up! I don't think loadout weapons spawn on map. Even if they do,...
That Binary Rifle still looks like 1 free kill per shot. I'm not even all that great with a sniper. I always thought the Beam Rifle was the best...
I understand soft and hard counters. I played SCII for a while. Still do a bit. I suppose it all depends on how well the guns perform against...
I'll send ya some stuff as soon as I make it haha I don't save a lot of my stuff. I'm starting to, but I don't have any recent ones that aren't...
I wouldn't mind that the AR could stand up to the DMR in Reach...if both were as difficult to use. Winning a DMR battle required more aim and an...
I took a course at a University over the summer that started to cover what you're saying. We used a very reflective metallic object as the...
Thanks! Yeah, I'll probably cave. Ironic that this is the title I have the least hype for, and it's gonna be the only one that I got the LE...
Audience o' fone! Back during the TCOJ days, I had no idea you'd been interested in art. I woulda said something. Anyway, I've had my sights...
This looked kinda fun for, what was it, 3 bucks? I think I can get a small burger's worth of entertainment from this. I might have to get it.
Is there anyone else who couldn't touch this site for the last two days? Grrr...every game I watch of Halo 4 makes me love the core more, but...
Bungie never had to demo Grifball, or Infection or (to my knowledge) Rocket Race. It shows a focus on this, it shows the mode off, if you will. In...
I'm not saying that devs shouldn't support stuff like that. I'm saying they shouldn't make it, and design things explicitly for custom games that...
Halo is an FPS, right? So you would think that the majority of the game would be focused on shooting, right? But two of the most popular...
Yeah. I'd rather games focus on, you know, making good gameplay? Unfortunately, the fact that Grifball and Living Dead compete with Vanilla...
The elevator would have been hilarious. I really want to do that with a friend sometime just to freak people out. I mean, what would you do if...