Gen III was my favorite IMO, although I would reverse that. I liked all of them up to and including III, but sorta stopped caring after that....
I honestly think 4v4's are too small for all of the maps shown. I find the 8 man FFA games to be crowded enough on a 4v4 map in previous titles. I...
Fair enough. Forgot to slash that out as I changed some stuff around in the post. But seeing that I didn't, I'd like to point out that I thought...
At least you had to lead and work a bit to get those kills; it wasn't as easy as the DMR currently is, by far. A 4shot BR at long range wasn't...
I for one still think those kind of scope battles are silly in Halo. Even if we don't get knocked out (I'll agree that it's a plus for non-sniper...
The rage has been on since the Game Informer leak about semi-random weapon drops and loadouts. I for one still dislike that, with a passion....
Wasn't it mentioned that Haven was possibly the smallest map? Closest I could find is this: Damn. That map is NOT small. If that's CQB to them,...
I think there should be at least a couple of the base-to-base BTB maps. Those tend to attract more attention for their simplicity and feelings of...
That would be awesome. Midship remakes could actually look like Midship. Plus, I can see curvy pieces being both difficult and fun to use. It...
Somebody give this man a medal. That would be fantastic. I might actually play Infection again if they did that. Though I doubt the...
I'm gonna try PP from the get-go. Now that I can spawn with it in any gametype with loadouts, and not just Elite Slayer, I'm gonna make a "Screw...
Alright! That's one of the first positive things I've seen that wasn't released alongside a killjoy (IMO, of course)! Valhalla works for me.
Oh damn, never mind, I'm not catching up to that haha Also, that's quite the nice name he has. I'm jealous.
Awesome dude! I wish more schools had a fencing team; that would be awesome if it got big. Other than that, I've just been art-ing and whatnot,...
Dat Flamingoose... Nice stuff dude, I followed you on dA (Sir-Spffy)! I'm not so much a photography guy (although I still have an appreciation...
Usually I play competitively, but sometimes... Hog Potato on Hemorrhage? How about no. Elite Slayer on Sword Base? No me gusta. Headhunter on...
Hm...I really like the idea, but something about it I find hard to read and cluttered. Maybe it's the verticals? There doesn't seem to be too...
Reviving this as I'm gonna start putting some more of my stuff on dA! I just completed and posted a speed paint done today in Photoshop CS5. 1...
Agreed. I'm not gonna watch the demo, I never do for anything SP. I'm generally the kind of person that plays once for the story, once for all...
Well, sure, when you've got 10+ combat forms jumpin' around and countless infection forms, they aren't a welcome sight. But when it's 3 or so...