This too. Though I imagine you can find workarounds, because some games (Flood) are known to have preset loadouts, so I imagine worst case...
FuD was pretty sick. I really hope it does well enough to warrant some sort of follow up; I'd love the prospect of a legit Halo movie actually...
I would LOVE to know about Sprint and if it can be disabled in customs if you get the chance. Also, forge is a high priority, as mentioned above....
Meltdown looks sick, not gonna lie. Although, I'm still very concerned about 'no sprint' being an option for customs or not. Same with no loadouts.
Scout was, ODST wasn't. :(
That would be nice if it didn't mean massive search times, very unbalanced matches most of the time, and half of the population being full...
I understand that. So is the forge population, and it wouldn't nice to completely skewer them to the point where they can't even make their...
Oh yeah...that's why I don't play Reach much anymore. There are more people in Social Slayer Halo 3 than like MLG and Super Slayer combined...
I feel like the point I made earlier about 343 clearly showing what kind of audience they want to attract by highlighting Grifball 2.0 to be even...
You know, after Sword Base and especially with jet pack still in, I want vertical maps to go and stay gone. I would venture a guess that the...
Abandon looks very...isolated. Like each part of the map is almost independent and almost unrelated to the others both aesthetically and...
If the game is balanced at the lower level, individual ability is still the deciding factor in matches because none of the players have reached...
I wonder how susceptible it is to the Concussion Rifle. I could see pushing one of those off its feet being hilarious...
And I eagerly await the day that this philosophy becomes obsolete in FPS games. It's hard to find a single shooter without this crap nowadays....
It's easier to build a game balanced around play at the top and get lower players to like it than balancing around the bottom and attracting a...
Good to hear that everything's on the right track for you! Junior was rough at spots (school-wise), but it's certainly manageable....
This sounds like something I'd here in 2 in 3 posts on Waypoint. Nothing against you Cluck, I like you. I just get a little irritated on this...
I want a covy forge. Hands down. Purple is the new grey.
From where I stand, BTB is more simplistic. Coordination on the level of 4v4 coordination is probably impossible as you could not hear each other...
Ahh yeah, you're right, I had it backwards: Instead of 6v6 highlighting teams, it's more the individuals with little to no cohesion, unless...