Boltshot mostly, PP on the side. I would even pick the Boltshot over the Magnum if it didn't have primary fire. PP is fun, and I might try and...
You can work around the nudge tool, but it's so much more painstaking than duplication or object alignment or duplicating was IMO. As for the...
Am I the only one who liked the old Beam Rifle sound infinitely more? I'll still pick Beam Rifle for function, as always, but in terms of...
Didn't see that up close. Huh. Well, at least that makes one.
Probably that no one used the former and the latter will make forging way easier. I don't go back there either. It made me sad every time, so I...
Content? I would use disappointed personally. I would trade all of the new tools (magnets, duplicate, highlight/lock, etc.) any day for the...
I'm not terribly surprised. Everything is getting bigger to compensate for the faster movespeed (and sprint). The maps are massive in Halo 4 when...
Very true. Still, it makes me sad. Also, jeez is that turret a beast. And that hog sounds like one of those kiddie buggy car things. Now I...
I stopped visiting Waypoint around the 20th time I had to "give one reason why Sprint could be bad". It also seems like a good amount of the...
I hope it was an old build, and the lack of shadows and stuff seems to support that, but would they really only have an old build when the game...
Anybody see the RvB PSA? Is it just me, or does that armor look cartoony as hell? Reminds me of the old Bionicle Mata-Nui Online game. Props to...
A Waypoint and extra points for killing the king. In other words, king can get a spree for 50 points across 5 kills, 2nd can kill him once and get...
I was under the impression that...but...I was told... Super sadfaic. In Reach, I go between MLG, Multi-Team and Rumble Pit. I don't find any...
There's the NS no AA 'Slayer Pro' playlist. Also has no radar, but really, it's the no AAs or any of that BS that's the reason I'm interested....
It also would have been pretty possible with Assault if they gave out an option to let everyone always have a bomb. Oh wait, they ditched...
My thoughts exactly. I wanted to, you know, be able to use the BR or Carbine again and have them work well, so long as they decide to fill the...
Whoops, thought that was directed at me. My bad haha It's true, we don't have the weapons yet; I'm basing this off of assumption. That being...
Responses in bold, as per usual for walls of text in response to walls of text. Mostly @chrs [spoiler] It was massive, so I spoiler'd it.
Exactly. I don't need 3 BRs. How bout the Nade launcher makes a return instead? That's what I'm advocating. Yeah, Carbine has been in Halo for a...
Am I the only one that doesn't necessarily want a giant weapon sandbox? I'm drawing a line between weapon sandbox and weapon function sandbox...