Hey, could I enter multiple things? I'm gonna practice landscape painting anyway, and that means at least one a week. I'd put them all here if...
Sorry for the delay. It's been a busy week... Alrighty, to start, is there anything you would recommend as far as training? I've heard a speed...
Same here. I don't want to sound cocky either, but I've got the best K/D in Halo 4 than I have in any of the other games by a good .3 or .4...
It isn't even really that for me, it just has so little depth. I have nothing to think about besides basic mechanics. I can't really successfully...
That's very true. It's a big part of a large problem. I would also argue that personal ordinance plays a fairly big part in the problem too,...
It's so ridiculous that I find it hilarious. It applies to energy weapons too: Laser gets 125% and PP gets 150%. One sniper, used well, could last...
So I think I hit that cutoff point in BTB where people start knowing what they are doing, right? And they all vote for Ragnarok, I dunno why. So...
I just don't like loadouts. It's very random and combined with the personal ordinance and instant spawns it just makes for uncontrollable chaos....
Or that the Boltshot is IMO stronger than the Scattershot, a freakin power weapon? Sure, it can't bounce, but it has a larger/more reliable...
I'm using reference videos primarily and the original map and game itself recorded via pics and diagrams when I need them. I add up as many...
Vortex split-screen is awful. I can't play very much with my bro as some of the maps have a habit of making the game into Halo: Flipbook Edition....
Exactly. Might not make the application directly but the skills and experience does. If I had the time, I'd love to do RH work again, but...
Hey, so I was lurking around and I saw your post in the intro forums about how you had done contract work as a Concept Artist for Riot (LoL Splash...
Welcome to the Hub of Forge! If you run out of blocks, you begin to discover the many sides and awkward faces people to use to keep textures...
But...but...that doesn't make as much moneys... But in all seriousness, I agree with you but don't see why devs will change so long as the former...
On an unrelated note, my friend pointed out to me that while you cannot scope in before you charge a Railgun, you can use the binoculars (which...
Huh. Well, good things come to those who wait I suppose. I have to thank you and the RH again. Because of the proofs and reviews, I got the...
Woah, you got Journalist while I was away? (Belated) Congrats man! I remember that was something you'd been after in the RH. It has been a...
It's nice to be back here. I've put together a first impression hopping from house to house while I still didn't have power. I don't have the time...
I don't think 343i knows what 'scaling based on player count' is. Co-op is really, really easy IMO, especially with 3-4 players. Even solo TBH I...