On the flipside, I really enjoyed the throws and trade-offs you could do in CTF. The announcer might have been annoying for juggles, but IMO it...
I was really genuinely happy about the new map, sounds, Beam Rifle (even thought I wish it varied more from the default sniper) and Mark VI......
I'm 90% sure my Skype name is thatscorchguy, and my Steam name is 'Spiffy'. Portrait is a lil' red knight from an old MMO I used to play, if it helps.
QFT Sprint on a face button really isn't that bad, once you get used to it. Same with AA. I don't really like many of the hold-to-use AAs anyway.
I agree with Peg, Bumper Jumper looks pretty darn awesome again. I'll definitely be using that. I would bet you that the image at the end was...
I wish they never brought Infection back as a full playlist after Halo 3...it was a nice weekend playlist, but I don't think it should be full...
Did this get specifically answered? Some people said "I know a server", but are there any plans specifically, or would it be a Valve 0/24 rotation...
I got a couple weeks on the PW I've used from...since I had an account on anything online. I'm not saying what it was for the first time, because...
I recently got myself and a few friends (I think we amount to 6 or 7) playing LoL, and we've been trying to work on team comp and strategy. We've...
In a nutshell, that's how I feel too. Not sure what I'll do when Halo 5 requires a next-gen Xbox though...I don't know if it would be worth it...
I don't think there have been many, if any shooters without a single asymmetric map. It doesn't seem to fit the given definition of an Arena...
I would ask about work being done to drastically improve performance in forge.