It would be better if it had no equipment/grav lifts and just low gravity. I still expect this to be fun though.
I like this map, but what's annoying is that some of the doors get jammed and stop moving. I really like the buildup of debris. It's really fun...
Well, I played, and I must say that this needs interlocking. This has no interlocking at all. Sorry, but 2/5. It's really sloppy and some rooms...
Why are people annoying this guy? All you need to do is click the pictures!
Wow no one has gotten through the whole map? This must be a really hard puzzle.
Lol cheezy story, decent map.
Thanks for that man. I'll post some pics after I get on my 360, these types of games are always welcome.
He's working on it. Any other posts about this not being up to standards will be considered spam This looks like it has potential to be a very...
I'll try blocking off the little fort to the left of the big fan. Thanks!
It's an infection map on Last Resort. The main point is using the beach as a huge holdout shelter, with most of the ways in blocked off. What I...
I got it to work! is there a way to lock your own topic? I don't want this to be bumped later on.
I almost took a picture of a brute falling onto one of the cracked parts of the scarab, but I couldn't find an angle without too much junk. This...
Master chief gets blown up. [IMG] [IMG] First one is humorous, the second is more on the awesome side.
Pretty good for a noob. 4/5, because I love infection and timed map events. Overall very good use of stuff seen in forge 101.
A lot of stuff that should be interlocked isn't, a lot of stuff that is shouldn't, and a lot of very messy interlocking. 2/5
Well, I tried this with a friend, and I must say, rushing to the turret as quickly as possible and worrying about zombies being around every...
I tried that, but it takes me to a xbox registration page or something like that. :sad:
I must say, you did a very good job on this. I also like the fact that you prevented camping, which is often the biggest factor in these types of...
I just joined today. I started forging a while ago, and after reading forge 101, I made a map with some interlocking today. I must say, this is a...