Da hitman 117!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 1111
I thought this was isolation or cold storage. Good job, I wouldn't have ever tried avalanche for this effect!
Yeah, alright. He was probably trying to look like a great forger and everything like you said.
Then he definitely stole the map. spIrItfIre 937 is his gamertag. You can send him a message or something. He's like a 12 year old, so he might...
Water and wait up guys are REALLY good. The others are really overused stuff.
Awesome interlockz, and nice shopping skittles. I won't rate until I play it, but you got my download.
I tried this with floating teleporter nodes, dumbsters, and grav lifts on foundry. Problems I've found: -Not enough teleporters. (You need at...
I usually get "outer influences", draw stuff, come back later and see what I've done, then forge it. Or I look at my friends idea, copy it and...
Moments in Campaign and Matchmaking that could be incorporated into forge maps 1. In the storm, there's a part where you have to destroy some...
Lol, so simple, yet so awesome! Why didn't I think of this? 4/5
Isn't your gamertag spitfire? I met a guy on matchmaking and I played this map and he said that he made the twister map and hurricane map. Could...
O.O Hi spitfire, I'm fno0more. I saw your twister map.
[IMG] Number(s) of ze beast.
I appreciate you liking this map, but please don't double post. You don't want an infraction now.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Could you suggest some more stuff to add on to the map?
Lol thanks. I don't have any immovable objects left except power ups though, otherwise I would reinforce the barriers on one side. You have...
Good to know. I know that there's turrets in a couple of them, but believe me, once the zombies get out of your line of fire you either panic and...
Some of you might remember the original zombie island. It looked good in the topic, but in reality without a 10 minute explanation people were...
It looks a bit like metal arms.
Double from Megaman X4. If you use anything except the mega blaster he sends endless turret drones after you! Last boss in god of war. O_o...