This is one of the better MLG maps i've seen i've been getting kinda mad because of people posting MLG Maps that don't even look like MLG at...
i'd make an effect that made everything grassy... like on blackout and stuff. everything would be grass and people would ware forest camo, awesome.
someone JUST said somehting about this and he got like a whole bunch of -rep because because he was "whining" and ****... i personally think that...
***UPDATE*** Each Clip Cannot be over 1 Minute (60 Seconds Long) sorry if this can be an annoyance, But its a new rule and i think it makes it...
sounds fun and stuff but i like to forge by my self or just mainly in local lobby with some of my RL Friends... I was thinking about joining but...
OK, so im going to start downloading these and getting them to my computar. after we get like 25 clips or so ill start putting them all together.
most of them are pretty much the same but they still look pretty awsome i chose number 4 because it flows better with the colors and i just like...
right click your rep thingy then goto properties... then find where it says location: that's the link to your place where people give you rep......
what rep thingy?
Very messy? WTF are you talking about this map is super clean with perfect interlocking and like an-almost-perfect-circle!.. Gah... w/e But yeah...
I'd also like to point out that the order that people post their clips in will be the order that they come in the montage... first come first...
thanks :) and right back at ya :P
Kinda Harsh... Its just for fun. But what ever... NoLimelight for u! k its all cool
ok even though you didn't use the form... ill make an acception... :) from now on use the form... ill capture them ina bit... im making a...
Even though wearing a seat-belt/helmet is for our better good. I do think it is un-constitutional and violates our rights as a U.S. Citizen....
wow thats pretty awesome I have personally never seen that before. great use of switches. although it does almost look like you can just jump...
I've never really played rockband... but i've always wanted a shot at it... Being a Drummer my self it seemed fun from all the video's i've seen...
Yeah i just saw this on the news... I guess she was trying to get a hospital bed for close to 48 hrs. Then another hour went by and she just...
NOTE: I wasn't sure if I should have posted this here or in Video Section. NOTE: If anyone is good with video editing software, transitions,...
what did you get the negative rep for?