finally, some originality... you my sir, deserve a cookie :D... downloaded- played them all earlier tonight for my daily custom rounds... :D too...
it was good, a casual frag movie. But, he went a lil' cracky with the fastforwarding. It didnt capitalize on gameplay, which is a big :( for me....
I give you credit, for reading the rules- and attempting to upload pictures. But they seem to be not working... Let me help you with that: Save...
hey Nemi!- Its good to see your name... I'm supprised you still come here :P
not sure if you're ever coming back to this site, but what happened to the final fight?
ive been playing survival... and therse the guys that kill you.. lol. im just not playing survival anymore so yeah during survival when those...
is it natural that everytime I die, the game crashes?
I know im SUPER bumping this post, but I just dl'd it and played it... its smooth and it makes sense if you look at it for a while... but playing...
We all know that even once they're done with reach they'll come out with more addons... like Halo: Reach 2 Custom Edition... or much like what...
you stole my name :|
Id be up for endure, aslong as tehres no lag -.- ill add you; my gt is: OP l PwnCakes l
Alot of odst comes from the books.. The prophet is digging for a crystal that helps him with the arc. Read the books their cool lol.. However i...
yeah these are pretty cool, these are actual poses i like, rofl at webcam brute :P peace
Woah; Theres some smooth merging in here, I mean like super. Floors are tight- and it's a nice layout of things... You really should add in CTF...
Super mario Bros 3. SNES style yo, i used to play that with my Arab buddy when we were like 4, we were epicwinz0r up in the star cloud and...
and yours doesnt look like it was made in pain diz? (ilost the game btw)
2grand seems a lil' much BUT it is a quad core so w/e'z
alienwear is a labeled buy- its like northface, you arent paying for the material, you paying for the right to say that you own one. w/ alienwear...
Even if your still gonna ignore everyone and buy a lappy. Please get an hp or alien wear. I've had 2 dells so far, one fried two of my ram...
<--- dyslexic srry dude. rofl /appoligize