A friend told me he saw some leaked material. There are five maps, I believe two of which are CoD4 remakes or CoD4-inspired--I don't know; I...
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer map pack confirmed March 30?! Mapathy
"Revenge" medal confirmed. "Plasma Kill" medal from past campaigns confirmed.
Multiplayer beta trailer: "Revenge" medal confirmed. "Plasma Kill" medal from past campaigns confirmed.
Just got my second nuke--this time on Favela. I'm surprised how pro the chopper gunner turned out to be on that map.
Ok. I thought I had heard somewhere that the staff have never had to rely on advertisements to pay for the site. But they are, after all, a...
That's a 1-in-168,733 chance. You certainly are lucky.
I'm not so sure the staff will approve of your posting this.
To address the care package discussion on the previous page: [/LIST]
100% positive I'll start by playing the campaign on Heroic or Legendary, just to continue my years-old tradition going back to the release of...
That spartan in the back is really bothering me because his head is chopped off. You should rotate or skew the stock so that both spartans are in...
It's only the banana leaves, and they're on Underpass too. That information is very old.
What a great game. And The Who still rock!
Good colors, but the render is very oversharpened.
My WA2000 with FMJ and Fall camo > all.
It worked for me an hour ago. I went into the game with 5/40 Cold Blooded kills, came out with Cold Blooded Pro after LMG'ing a downed Pave Low.
The WA2000 is such an underrated sniper rifle--headshots and chest shots are one-hit kills and the high rate of fire combined with minimal recoil...
Points take up no space in a 2D plane or 3D space and neither do lines. Numbers become infinitesimally small while approaching zero. A circle...
The rule of thirds is perhaps the most insignificant rule in the history of rules. Ignore it. I like the colors and the overall look, but I...
This sounds like a great idea, although Bungie aren't particularly well known for having such high-resolution textures in their games. If you had...