And it's "Gephyrophobia," by the way. jeh-FIE-roe-foe-bee-uh
If Bungie recreates anything from the past, it will be as a result of good feedback. Sandbox's aesthetics didn't win any awards, so it will not...
Have Bungie confirmed anything about the ability to change a man cannon's "launch power" or to easily control where it shoots people?
I'm sure those features are built into the Forge engine and not the map itself. So yes, I would assume so.
Oh yeah? What is that gametype like? And be that as it may, I was just listing a few examples. You could have dozens of other possibilities by...
Ever since Forge came out and so much customization became a reality, I've wished for the ability to combine two gametypes. For example, a game...
...why? Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow...
Coldsnap can't be remade.
Ferrex confirmed Gigantic Wall.
Looks like they were inspired by Relic, Ivory Tower and Midship, respectively.
Actually, in Halo 3 custom games you could choose the vehicle set and one of them was called Mongooses. The plot thickens.
You can set up Infection safe areas, according to Ferrex. Also, he said all the gravity stuff is an optical illusion.
If you want to make the same map in twice the amount of time, be my guest. It's your time wasted, not mine.
You make a map to play it. Being able to build it faster is a good thing. If you want the building process to be so time-consuming, go be a...
I think the vertical lines are out of place and way too distracting. They look like an afterthought with the sole purpose of filling empty space....
Those news anchors were so ****ing annoying, acting like this has never happened before. Especially in California. It was just a stupid driver...
Bad. Make it much more legible.
Halo 2 had multiplayer dual wielding...
That's just a bad algorithm. I'm sure that won't be the case this time.