I don't know. I haven't attempted to Forge anything Extraction myself yet. If I had to guess I'd say the Site is the actual location where you go...
Same... Oh well, maybe/hopefully if enough people keep complaining to them they'll figure out a way to re-implement some of the missing gametypes.
Has anyone played around with Forging maps for the Extraction gametype? Seeing what's possible and what tricks can be pulled off with it? I ran a...
We can has youtube video explanations, plz? *puppy eyes* Nah, j/k. I get it. :P
"Prefab" means the building structures provided for you in-game. Most forgers tend to prefer the use of custom-made buildings made using the...
But race was in Halo 1...
Hey, I can't play right now, but I'd be happy to help you test this map. It looks pretty nice from your video, so far, and I've taken a liking to...
Sure, I guess. Sign me up.
"B" as crouch makes moving around sneakily very difficult, though. You can't aim at the same time you're crouching (if you use the 'hold to...
Honestly, it would be ideal if they would just switch crouching back to the thumbstick press and move the Sprint button to "B".
And there's my biggest issue, Microsoft forcing it on us. If Microsoft wants to experiment with a new interface, fine, but allow the option to...
Windows 8 is ****. I was going to upgrade my Vista desktop to Windows 8 because of how cheaply I could do it, but the more I read and learned...
Baccano!~ <3 Gotta be one of my absolute favorites.
I've got it: Santorum
Flushed Rat Race Foul Foul Waters Toxic Blackwater
Yo. ..
Aside from my own little rage-fits when something happens that pisses me off, the only really 'worst' thing that have happened to me so far has...
The Phase 2+ weapons for the Attackers spawn at the covie-crates (2x Focus Rifles and a Plasma Launcher), and the Defenders get a Sniper Rifle,...
Actually, on ground level, you don't even have a view of the ship until you get to about where that raised platform is at the bottom-left of the...