I've yet to play Spartan Ops via co-op 'cause my internet isn't the best and I'm afraid of the same kind of button-input and screen lag that I...
Respectfully disagree~! :P
I wouldn't mind being added to the reserve, if possible. Might give me an opportunity to get a good test or two in on my Infinity Station map....
I like Shatter better than Harvest, myself, but Harvest is pretty good. I like Wreckage as well, but it seems to give Blue something of an...
This might seem like a silly thing to give praise over, but I love the idea you had on Artifice to use those big Dominion screen pieces to...
[IMG] I <3 7-tan~
If I had to guess it's just because of the *way* you said it. Telling someone that someone else "beat you to it" doesn't give off the sense that...
Maybe you could point out those difference rather than just complain about them being there (as others have already helpfully done). The OP seems...
During Halo 3, I took a liking to the "Subnova" emblem and used it as my Spartan emblem. When I made my gamertag, I wanted it to kinda fit with...
To be honest, I actually had issues with that same piece you're standing on in that pic (the Station 45* thing) while building my Infinity Station...
Well, that was painful.
This is my first Halo 4 Map, Infinity Station (name subject to change, lol). XBL GT: Sup3rNo7a Map Name: Infinity Station I built it with the...
Thanks. :)
Use the image tags like this for your map: [ IMG ]http://www.image.com/directlinktotheimagefile.jpg[ /IMG ] (without the spaces) [IMG]
XBL GT: Sup3rNo7a Screen/Video or both: Screenshots How many screens: 8 How you would like to receive your vids/screens: Links (website doesn't...
No, unfortunately. Just another neat little feature that was removed from the game for no real reason. As for getting team-specific vehicles, the...
I suddenly REALLY wish there were advanced options with Ordnance Drops like there are with pretty much every other Forge object. Because as far as...
I don't know if this works for *all* of the chapters in the new episode, but at the end of Chapter 4, when you go to the last waypoint to board...
I don't know if it's the same Lockout remake, but I played one last night that had a similar issue with the color-coding, in that both of the...