Hrm... Will have to make an alternate version of my map for my submission, then.
Map Name: Overlook Creator(s): Sup3rNo7a Gamertag Hosting the Map: Sup3rNo7a Link to Forge Hub Thread: Overlook Download Link for the "2v2...
Overlook (v1.1) by Sup3rNo7a Overlook is a small/medium-sized, symmetrical, multilevel map intended for 2v2 to 4v4 competitive gameplay and...
Locking the pieces does nothing to prevent them from shifting, in my experience.
@Teancum: Yeah, that doesn't work. I ALWAYS use the coordinate system to set my pieces in their final location, but all of my pieces still always...
Extraction would likely be your best bet because of the way it progressively produces objective points and can also progressively spawn in...
Who doesn't? :P
I second Baccano!, but ONLY if you watch the proper English dub version. The English dub of Baccano! is amazing and because it's actually set in...
I'll take a reserve slot again.
Hmm... Unfortunately I don't remember what it said, specifically, and it's working fine for me now when I tried it again. Sorry. :(
Eh, I only play Flood (rarely) in Matchmaking to try and get the Commendations, and Last Man Standing is one of the medals that counts towards one...
Heh, I actually find that, in Flood games, it's better to try and sneak off to an area nobody ever camps and just sit there, since none of the...
@Noooooch: Well, I think the point of this thread is more for him to ask people for permission to feature their maps all in one place rather than...
This. That being said, the tweak(s) they made to the DMR have made a little too dominating on BTB maps. Either the bloom needs to come back...
Well, if they're not the same as the default Infinity Slayer settings that appear if you select Infinity Slayer as the game type in a custom game,...
Yeah, I can't sign in right now at all either, otherwise (while late) I'd try to help fill the lobby.
Forum-glitched double-post. Please delete.
Panty & Stocking, ftw (nods at sig ^_^). Even the english dub version by Funimation is pretty good, so pick that up on DVD/Blu-ray if you get the...
Selecting "Posed" gave me an error at first as well, but it showed up alright after I refreshed the page. [img]
Slight nerf to the Boltshot's charge-shot damage (should destroy shields and maybe do a tad bit of damage, and maybe kill someone with an already...