I have to say, I was sort of expecting (hoping?) for something of a remake of the actual Sidewinder from Halo 1 as well, given the name. That...
Always-on and other details: News: Always-online new Xbox 'not as draconian as many believe' - report - ComputerAndVideoGames.com Well, no next...
Don't link screenshots from your fileshare, they don't show up. Upload them to imgur or photobucket and link them from there instead.
If you could get 1 stray person willing to play 'spectator', you could probably set up Neutral Flag CTF by using 3 teams. Have both Red and Blue...
I definitely agree with the premise that this should be rebuilt on one of the smaller islands. It'd free up all of those rocks you're using to...
Sounds good to me.
Other than the fact that the dynamic lighting seems to be broken, it looks like a pretty nice re-creation.
Re-upload them to imgur or photobucket or something. Don't link them directly from your file share.
Random Ordnance weapons don't rotate between or randomly pick which location they're going to spawn at. Whichever weapon(s) you have designated to...
Now if only 343i would re-release Forge Island with the water-auto-kill completely removed...
The location of random ordnance isn't random. The only thing that's random is the spawn time (if you allow it to be) and the actual weapon that...
Eh, The problem is that even that report about the Xbox Mini doesn't squash the issue, because, as they state, the sources are still saying the...
"Always on" will stop me from even considering buying the next Xbox, so whatever it's worth, here's hoping they don't do it.
That Landing Pad piece on Green is off-center a little bit.
Wow. To be honest, this looks a hell of a lot better than I thought it would when I read the title "Hemorrhage Remade". It looks really nice.
You might consider making *inside* of one of the islands on Forge Island. I don't know specifically how it affects the lighting gadgets, but the...
Hey, you stole my map name. :P
You're reading too much into it.
There were tree objects in Reach?
Thank you. I tried to incorporate those as smoothly as I could, so it's good to hear that I seem to have managed it. I'll look into that Glass...