I dunno if this counts, but i was playing timeshift and i threw a reverse time bubble down right as a guy tried to snipe me, the bullet went into...
No, your not the only one...i got my 360 on the first day and it hasnt had any problems yet...but im gettin scared now cuz my warranty went off a...
Ive had similar stuff happen to me...i was playing on forge alone and a floating grav lift came out of noowhere...I blame moderators...
I'll play GH3
2466140 so far...is it possible for a white fluffy bunny to eat your soul?gah bells get tiny later on!
edit:ignore this post,didn't see the thing saying sign ups are over
Well... Sixpak is a move in volleyball where you spike the ball at someone's face so hard you knock them over and the VB is just short for...