What a coincidence I just saw kiss in houston Texas last Tuesday lol this looks good keep at it there really arnt any amazing aesthetic maps in...
Well I really love beaver creek and battle creek so I thought to my self what would the map look like in it's transition to reach, thus my idea...
my featured map was a cave lol but it was for halo 3. Idk i just don't see the point of it in halo reach, i mean doing it in halo 3 was a feat you...
Okay here is some updates Sniper tower is now all made of pieces but idk yet about he overall look i think it may have to be reworked. [img]...
budget man budget, i hate using them and im pretty sure im going to make my own sniper but the default tower 2 story seems to work well because...
Well i have 2 of these actually, one is a collaborative map and this one, well this one is a jumble of pieces from both maps kinda collaborative...
Try to use as little metal as possible and avoid using alot of glass cause it'l cause frame rate lag
well im not saying it has to be how i stated exactly to be the best fps, this was just my thoughts on what i think fps's should entail (not all...
well okay take flashpoint dragon rising for an example (a solely singleplayer game well mp campaign anyway). When your sniping bullet drop and...
So me and my buddy were sitting around wondering what game to play as so many are redundant now. We got to talking and decided what we feel...
well luckily the stone in that ramp is at the right angel so it doesn't impede the flow but it seems i lost my finished map (good thing i make...
trust me the proper kill zones are in place lol, no roof is accessible to jetpackers some have small ledges but they have to stay on the edge and...
Well i havn't forged in a long while (since cod black ops came out) so i decided to go ahead and start forging. This map idea came from the first...
Did i remake a Valhalla and release it 0_0 i honestly can't remember haha. Anway its a good idea im surprised it hasn't been done yet, we had one...
I'll take it over if you seriously wana let someone adopt it, but have you thought of rocks? set at the right angels rocks are excelent cover and...
dude nice map, very Valhalla ish, it remindes me of sidewinder alot too. Great job with aesthetics the bases look stunning. I like how you managed...
Ya haha I lol'd at ur post love the map btw I'm on my iPhone sob I'll be on later
you should probably take out that giant window behind waterfall base and just put some smaller barriers if you can other than that it looks...
Um ok rook yes you can, edit post, go advanced , brings up everything from when you create a post. As for the map i like it but iv seen alot of...
There is a long walkway at the back of the castle underneath the bridge i think its in pic 3 look at the rocks he made its got a ramp in it =)...