ya your right mick the walk time and jump height would scale it right, thats why the guardian remake isn't right you move to fast and jump to high...
Yes thats right my attempt, first one in a long time at a remake, noticable things is its not exact, the pallet for Ravine has kept that out of...
no they nerfed the cancellation feature, damn i miss smacking sword guy when he swung and not dying ;-/
exactly lol, the last 2 chapters it gets all formal and its 343 on a oni spook ship and he hijacks it. also think there is more info in...
big problem with this though Mick, i played the gaurdian remake in a 3v3 ts yesterday, although the scale looks pretty accurate and the layout is...
i was honestly thinking of doing this and still might, i just logged like 10 hours on my ascension remake lol so i might help ya give it a go. oh...
https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst145140_How-about-a-Forgeworld.aspx linky i agree wholeheartedly we need to email them or start threads...
[IMG] Meh its what i got so far, i dont need my looks to do what my stats can lol
honestly it looks really good, iv been stumped on wtf to do on that badass little area and this seems to work, if anyone wants to run some games...
problem with not using prefabs is for maps like lockout, ascension etc is that if you do it all from scratch you royally f you aesthetic appeal,...
need to add pics pretty soon, just gives people an idea of what there dl'ing especially since we don't have file share yet. oh and the mod's can...
Regicide was just a way for them to make FFA way harder lol. Now if your king you get bum fu*ked all the way but in FFA reach and h3 you had to...
To be honest there needs to be a forge world again with new locations etc. I mean come on infinity has all these "practice" maps for war games...
I like the idea of skins, it just makes you stand out more in ffa and other game types like infection etc. As for the skins affecting gameplay, um...
This is a remake i attempted and failed, to pull it off, A duplicate the spawn points of Waterworks, (boot that bad boy up called h2 and play it...
What to do in halo 4? Hopefully make the most amazing aesthetic playable maps and perhaps bring back some of the game types from halo 3 with new...
Hmm this looks exactly like a map designed exactly the same way that was posted not too long after Reach came out by a close friend and excellent...