You can add me if you wana GT: CaptnSTFU i generally play halo, (although i do love me some minecraft) i have a mic and love competetive play,...
Its pretty close terrain on top is flat now, if I'd had more tin cups to use I could have sloped it like the original. Ivory tower is going to be...
Kudos, i know of one other remake but i really love the way yours turned out, this style is much different, very clean. I also like the fact that...
So this is just a contemplation of maps so far? I think its a good idea but you know there are a few variations from different forgers for a few...
All in all not a bad layout obviously something hard to remake in h4 especially due to how limited forge is now but I do think this map is in need...
Its the default budget for Erosion pallet, it wouldn't be hard to scale that area for a foundry remake. Unless you mean how much is left without...
I'll look at your spawn zones later cross check ctf the reason might e that if you have any Anti zone spawns that if one team is contesting a weak...
Thanks for pointing that out the middle idk y it did that I had used magnets to lock the dishes in place so idk y they moved as for the tele's...
at Atik [spoiler]
not that i know of, some of the remakes are done already, im doing ascension and ivory tower. Good luck with relic ha halo 4 really isn't set up...
Map name: Ascended Original name: Ascension (halo 2) Creator: Captnstfu Link to FH: Ascended (remake of Ascension) To dl go to your file...
Thats the plan, just gotta make a custom variant of slayer and add appropriate kill zones so the banshee pilot doesn't go some where and snipe the...
thanks guys yeah that makes sense on tricking it the labels and values were off so got ctf done, koth was just using an sequence haha iv been out...
Ya i know sounds nubbish but yes i need help on game types. I have (tried) to set up ctf 1 flag and KOTH on my Ascension remake but when i go to...
Not true to te dedicated forger (as we see here) ravine has great potential with the natural setting looking great and the natural rocks from forg...
ya one thing is i like the pallet from Ravine way better than Erosion, the one on Erosion does look nice though alot easier considering there is a...
Map supports so far Infinity slayer, Slayer pro, and CTF, working on KOTH and others. Intended for at most 3 teams no more. Map Ascended is in...
glad im not the only one to do this remake and im also gald we used diff maps, only thing id advised against is the default sniper tower its too...
thats weird me and my team ran some 3v3's and i never noticed that, anyway great looking map, some of the stupid small features like the tiny lift...
agggghhhhh lol i swear if these links get broken 2 im just going to go code my own image uploader, it would be alot easier