ya its just some bug, i didn't have it be a map from a different pallet completely but my ivory tower map got overwrite with my aescensino map...
Ha got ya I didn't see the s but your spot on the struts work way better the other remakes used them, give more cover and look great as well
well its not tombstone lol but i agree it does look a little idk tacky is a good word i guess, this isn't a hard map to pull off but to make the...
Forgeworld ha that would fix alot, new skins for objects would be cool but it won't happen, our best bet is a sandbox map or a forgeworld and if...
well then problem solved, now just to set up a custom gametype and build a map haha
Only 50 bones? Seems like alot for this map it could be re worked to open budget but you don't need a working conveyor belt anyway. All in all...
not that im aware, but the one you get for saving a team mate from an assasination is nice, doesn't always happen but still sweet cause you know...
Well i know alot of peope may not remember conquest from halo 3, games such as head hunter and that multiflag variant made people forget in reach...
haha same well im at work atm, just getting back into the forge game, but dam h4 is tricky. Im thinking about some good ole conquest mb bringing...
Geeze v iv been gone along time what's up kuroda I havnt talked to you in an age or so haha
Hey it's you, good to see you forging urban iv fallen Out as well with reach haha. Anyway this puppy looks awesome best doubles map since warlock...
Yeah he made 2 lifts to get to top wish there was a good way to make an elevator :-/ all in all looks nice I'd change some of the pillars to be...
Basic things large maps for me any way are these: 1. No large open spaces with limited to no cover ex: a 4 way intersection with no barriers or...
Exactly there are some differences in variations along the way hang em high didn't have the forward lift to blue from ground or the back hall fall...
Alright well with 2 forgers so far saying you didn't ask for premedsion to do this I'd suggest shuttin this down until you go and pm or xbl...
Anyway on back to the matter at hand, This above says it all i had a chance to do a run through and Unrivaled is spot on, listen to this, add more...
One noteworthy thing to be said by me. CASTLE MAPPACK better have a freaking forgeworld, Crimson was ehh wtf Harvest is good, Boltshot is bs...
lawlz at your at your edit, yeah i use GSU or some other basic sketchup programs, don't need anything too intricate for designing forge maps....
Yes but you failed to tell him what he did wrong. The post by Unrivaled was like yours pointing out its not right but told him what it was he did...