Eh, eating and killing or killing for killing animals is barbaric. I hate humanity. I thought it originated in Mexico, by the way.
Excuse me, "pics or gtfo"?! Terran, please explain.
Ah, that will be good.
No, that's a real Screenshot, human.
Yes, Joe. Both the "Gold Shield" and "Metallic" are interesting, to say the least. How did you make them have metallic armor? ... Is is some...
I have already posted before, but I am still new. I have always wanted to be an a forum with so many Terrans!
Interesting. Did you modify them after you took them? And how do you know any of your maps are going to be in "Bungie Favorites"?
Why are you rude to everyone, Terran?
Are "Blue was here" and "Valhalla?" mods?! Uh-oh for you!
Yes, I agree. The Rogue looks angry.
Long-range weapons are completely without honor. I'm not joking. All you do is sit back, aim, and shoot. The Energy Sword is the symbol of...
I don't know. I really somewhat like the "Putting the kickass into teamwork" image.
I find the green in "Lone" interesting.
Does he scream as does a Dalek? Sometimes I pity you humans. Make that all the time.
Very blue: Very interesting. The Forerunners have made you well.
I specifically like your "'The Little Noob that Could'".
I'm not sure of the title and such. ... But the quality and lighting of the image is nearly amazing.
Technically you could. ...If you were retarded.
The Master Chief Petty Officer looks strange in that pose.
Excuse me, human?