Haha, yeah. Anyone else?
How long until someone posts the free hugs campaign? Five minutes? Ten minutes? The betting starts at 2 rep points!!! (lol jk)
OMG!! PLEASE DO IT!!!!111!!!!@!!111!!! But seriously, this idea is great.
A v2 with unlimited-budget glitch might snag a feature in the long-run, but regardless this looks amazing. I'll DL after I clear out my hard drive...
I see...
How did Sarge and lintendo get it? Out of curiosity.
Wow, this is a study in geo-merging. Not only have you clearly perfecting geo-merging movable objects, but the merging with the open double box is...
Yay for Da Pig!! Pretty cool, and for a v2 you should consider a choose-your-class type thing. One would get a grav lift and carbine (jet-pack...
I really enjoy starting new maps. More than I like finishing them, the problem this creates is that I have great ideas, start them, get bored,...
wats up? I thought your name on FH was like "classicrockr" did you have it changed?
Add me if you want. GT = Bri4nsoupy I'm not amazing at Forge, but I have like five, six MLG-style maps DL'ed that I love playing on. I'd make MLG...
Yay Reaper! Yeah man I remember.
OMG it Creep! This map is awesome. 4.8/5 Plays great. The only reason it's not a five is because the 1st Floor middle is an extreme choke point....
I joined a looonnnngggg time ago. The first map I saw here was like Compound 42B or Normandy. Back when every map was onLast Resort, lol. For some...
HLG Hidden Ninjas FTW!!! They are my friends and I've hid with them before. Ever heard of them?
Thanks guys. A lot of people actually prefer the second. That's interesting. Did you play on it?
um thx? Any reasoning, things I could improve, etc?
the map is up. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/22263-osmosis.html
Yes, the soccer balls just get blown around by the grav lifts, giving a little aesthetic touch. Download, then tell me.