Hey guys I haven't been to active in the community lately, partially thanks to this project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCPWV0XSbw
That Briansoupy guys makes some cool maps.... EDIT : For the sake of not being down-repped any further, this was a joke. ; )
*Hi-Five* I agree for the most part I just didn't feel like typing to much so I limited it to the obvious point about dogs not speaking English.
Because dogs speak English...
It's not just you. But I've been suspiciously lurking around these forums since before half the loyals. (I didn't have an account till Decemver,...
This is interesting Eating veggies shrinks the brain-Health/Sci-The Times of India
You'll never be a mod or loyal. But nice try though, it was kind of cute ; )
It kind of like "OK You're amazing with Photoshop. But this site is about Halo and since you joined you haven't tyoed a single keystroke outside...
Hi Five! I agree completely. On my home site, BungieHQ, we had the same problem. But most of those annoying sig-junkies came here. (I won't name...
*WAIVER* This thread is a joke. R.C.Contest The rules are as follows. You think of the most ridicolous contest that some kid hasn't posted...
That might have been even worse. *shudders*
Definitely, man. Don't misinterpret me, my main problem is that they single out Halo3 and xbox360. As if CoD4, GTA, and MGS4 are much better? Come...
Cool. Is it just me or are 80% of important hubbers from Chicago?
lol Where? I live on the South Side. Oak Lawn.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w25hD2TPJPA I am fairly upset. What bullsh*t. That's f*cked up how they single out Halo 3. And Microsoft. They try...
Gamer720 got owned.
Thx to all who commented. Yeah, I 'm thinking for a v2 I'll delete the windowpanels and add some kind of curved structure for more...
Can someone tell me where I go about getting a detailed review for my map Vibe? The Marvel Map Review seems to have died and I'd really like...
OK, there is a lot of interlocking/geo-merging and it's a symmetrical map. Anyone else?
[IMG] DOWNLOAD VIBE Vibe is a symmetrical map on Foundry that makes for great small team games. The starting spawns are opposite of each other...